chevita GmbH

chevita GmbH Tierarzneimittel

Pigeon showing proliferations in the beak

Punctiform accumulations of trichomonas in the throat of a pigeon which showed no symptoms whatever.

Liver of a pigeon showing a trichomonas focus

Canker in the liver: Coarse, yellowish caseous and clearly defined focus which is deeply embedded in the organ tissue and may cause necrosis. Racing pigeons with liver damage are no longer suitable for competitions.

Diseases of the digestive tract

Trichomoniasis (Canker)

Trichomoniasis occurs in pigeon flocks worldwide. It is especially feared as a rearing disease with severe losses.

Trichomonas gallinae is a monocellular, motile flagellate. Nearly all pigeons are carriers of trichomonads, which live in the mucosa of the beak and throat, the gullet and the crop. Infected pigeons excrete the parasites in saliva and faeces. Adult pigeons infect the young when feeding crop milk.

Symptoms of the disease:
In adult pigeons and fledglings, there is a noticable decrease in vitality, reluctance to fly, diarrhoea and a reddening of the throat. As the infection progresses, "yellow buttons" appear on the palatal mucosa, developing into caseous yellow deposits (canker). Do not detach the deposits due to risk of bleeding.
Nestlings develop an umbilical infection and an abscess is formed which can spread to the internal organs. At 10-14 days of age, pungent-smelling liquid droppings and the first signs of retarded growth are observed, with the nestlings constantly squeaking for food.

Recognition of the disease:
Trichomonads are demonstrated microscopically in moist smears from the pharyngeal or crop mucosa of a living or recently killed pigeon. In a cadaver, it is possible to demonstrate the pathogen for up to 20 hours after death.

Similar conditions:
In adult pigeons, white dots appearing towards the back of the throat are not trichomonas foci. These firm, white or yellowish-grey nodules are, in fact, salivary calculi (sialoliths), formed from the hardened secretions of the mucous glands. They are harmless and should not be removed due to risk of bleeding.

When trichomonads are identified, all pigeons in the flock should be treated at the same time with chevi-col®.
If increased drinking water is required (e.g. in the hatching period or hot weather), do not dilute medicated water. Instead, provide fresh water after the medicated water is finished. Do not provide bath water during the treatment period.


Treatment plan for the application of chevi-col®

Duration of treatment week 1 week 2 week 3 week 4
Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Breeder’s check list                                                        
notwendig chevi-col® drinking water notwendig notwendig notwendig notwendig notwendig notwendig                                            
hilfreich vitin® drinking water or feed             hilfreich                                          
hilfreich miral drinking water or feed                 hilfreich                                      
notwendig parafectans disinfection notwendig                                                      

notwendig necessary treatment
hilfreich optional back-up treatment

Trichomoniasis - Table of requirements for the flock

Product and
duration of treatment
Dosage Total requirements for 100 pigeons
(entire treatment period)
notwendig chevi-col®
6 days
1 sachet per 2 litres
1 caps. per pigeon
and day
hilfreich vitin®
1 day
20 ml per 2 litres
the daily feed ration
of 40 pigeons


hilfreich miral
1 day
20 ml per 2 litres
the daily feed ration
of 40 pigeons


chevita GmbH chevita - Requirement calculation: Trichomoniasis
How many pigeons are to be treated?

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