chevita GmbH

chevita GmbH Tierarzneimittel

A Pigeon


Salivary stones found in the pigeon’s beak

Occasionally, when examing pigeons small hard white spots are discovered in the area of the crevice in the roof of the mouth and particularly in the rear part.

By almost 1 % of pigeons these fine millet sized nodules are found singly and sometimes 10 or more. It was always assummed that they were small areas of trichomoniasis (canker) but by today’s understanding that is not the case.

It is commonly known that there are numerous small salivary glands in the mucus membrane of the pigeon’s mouth which secrete saliva so that the feed is slightly moistened to allow it to be more easily swallowed. To date it is not known what causes these little white spots which are hard and are known as salivary stones. By examing tissues and the chemicals of these spots or stones it has been proven in Holland that they consists of a mixture of mucus and fine small grains of parts of the cells from the salivary glands. These in turn are rolled into small hard balls and block up the openings of the ducts of the salivary glands. At first they appear to be grey but later they become white in colour.

Experience have shown that no treatment has been successful. Surgical removal only leads to bleeding and damage to the mucus membrane. However, the health and performance of the pigeon is not affected.

Further research has shown that careful and regular treatment with chevi-col®+ together with good hygienic conditions helps to prevent the re-occurance of these spots.
In addition, at the first appearance of any colds which increase the heavy accumulation of mucus and inflammatory changes in the pharynx and along the throat, treatment against catarrh should be continuous until cleared of all symptoms.

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