chevita GmbH

chevita GmbH Tierarzneimittel

Why register?

To our accredited distributors abroad we provide supplementary technical information, which can be downloaded after successful registration and attribution of a password.

Please, fill in the following form and send it off to us. We shall attend to your registration, as soon as possible, and communicate your password to you by e-mail.

Registration form

Your personal details

Your personal details

Please enter the details of the person who will be responsible for the account. Login name: Please choose your user name you want to login with.



Please tell us how we can contact you in writing.

E-mail and telephone contact details

E-mail and telephone contact details

Please provide the details we need in order to contact you by telephone or e-mail. We cannot contact you unless you have a valid, current e-mail address.

Customer data

Customer data

Please enter your customer number (if available).


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