Piglets: Immunoglobulins in a highly concentrated, liquid, form for rapid enhancement of resistance
More information on Biocolost® S
Sows: Chevivit® E Selen SfOf makes sows perform. It provides breeding sows with Vitamin E, Selenium, Vitamin B12 and Folic Acid.
More information on Chevivit® E Selen SfOf
Piglets, calves, broilers and turkeys for fattening: Probiotic powder for the stabilisation of the intestinal flora to support the health status and to improve performance.
More information on Enteroferm® 17.5G
Calves, piglets, poultry: Probiotic powder for the stabilisation of the intestinal flora to support the health status and to improve performance.
More information on Enteroferm® 35G
The anti-scour drink for piglets: A balanced electrolyte complex, plus Oralin® for the stabilisation of the gut flora, mucins, bulking agents, vitamins, minerals and nutrients which have additional beneficial effects in case of piglet scours.
More information on Suiferm® plusSID
Piglets: Probiotic paste containing lactic acid producing bacteria as well as iron
More information on Suiferm® Iron Paste