chevita GmbH

chevita GmbH Tierarzneimittel

Dead pigeons, complete emaciated due to a massive worminfestation

Emaciation as a result of parasite infestation. With severe worm infestation, the pigeons rapidly lose weight.

Opened intestine: massive infestation with roundworms is visible.

Opened intestine: massive infestation with roundworms is clearly visible.


Worm infestation

Hairworms and roundworms are widespread in pigeon flocks, whereas tapeworms are less common. These worm types live as parasites in the small intestine of pigeons.


The interval between ingestion of infective worm eggs, sexual maturation of the new generation of worms and the first excretion of eggs in the faeces (prepatent period) is 5-6 weeks for roundworms, 3-4 weeks for hairworms and approx. 2 weeks for tapeworms. All types of worms may also appear at the same time.

Symptoms of the disease:
Affected pigeons produce droppings of varying consistency 10-12 days after ingesting infective eggs or an intermediate host. Appetite is initially increased, but diminishes as infestation progresses. The birds lose weight. Heavily infested pigeons usually show impaired general condition and are listless and apathetic with dull, ruffled plumage.

Recognition of the disease:
Hairworm and roundworm infestation is identified by microscopic examination of faecal samples (prepared according to the flotation method). When the intestine is cut open during the cadaver examination, the yellowish-white roundworms are clearly visible, whereas the fine, white hairworms require a smear preparation, which is floated in a flat dish with a dark base.
In many cases, the intestinal mucosa also reveals inflammatory lesions and focal haemorrhages caused by the burrowing of parasites. Tapeworm infestation is demonstrated by the identification of tapeworm segments or eggs in the faeces.

Similar conditions:
Salmonellosis, Coccidiosis, E.coli infection.

Deworm all pigeons in a flock at the same time using 1 capsule of ascapilla®+ per pigeon. Before administering the capsule, moisten it with edible oil. Introduce it through the opened beak, then gently massage the pigeon’s throat in the direction of the crop to ensure the capsule slides down smoothly. Check that deworming has been successful 3-4 weeks after administering the capsule by microscopic examination of faecal samples.

Pigeons should not be dewormed while they are rearing the young or during the main moult.

Worm infestation - Treatment plan for application of ascapilla®+

Duration of treatment Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4
Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Breeder’s check list                                                        
notwendig ascapilla®+ oral application notwendig                                                      
notwendig multivitamin EB12 drinking water   notwendig             notwendig                                      
hilfreich liviferm drinking water     hilfreich hilfreich hilfreich hilfreich hilfreich                                          
notwendig parafectans disinfection   notwendig                                                    

notwendig necessary treatment
hilfreich optional back-up treatment

Worm infestation - Table of requirements for the flock

Product and
duration of treatment
Dosage Total requirements for 100 pigeons
(entire treatment period)
notwendig ascapilla®+
1 day
1 caps. per pigeon
and day
notwendig multivitamin EB12
2 days
½ sachet per litre
2 caps. per pigeon
and day
hilfreich liviferm
5 days
½ sachet per litre
1 caps. per pigeon
and day
12 ½
chevita GmbH chevita - Requirement calculation: Worm infestation
How many pigeons are to be treated?

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